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Meta Box Custom Fields data Import Export

Ultimate CSV Importer is compatible with Metabox Free plugin. Metabox is a lightweight plugin for developers to create custom fields or metabox for Custom Post Types. You can both import and export metabox custom fields using our plugin.

Meta Box Custom Fields –  Sample Values Format #

The below are the metabox fields supported by the CSV Importer plugin to import and export its data. Follow the similar value format given for the metabox fields in the table below if you add values in CSV file to optimize the process.

Follow the similar value format given for the metabox fields in the table below if you add values in your import file to optimize the process.

Metabox fieldsDescription & CSV valuesSample CSV value
TextAllows adding the text in a single line.Sample Text
TextareaInput the text values in multiple lines.CSV Importer CSV Importer is a powerful wordpress data import and export plugin.
URLProvide any url here.
NumberAdd numeric value67
EmailEnter email address[email protected]
CheckboxSpecify the value 1 to enable the checkbox; Otherwise, mention 01
Checkbox ListProvide the text values to be selected in the checkbox field. Use commas to separate multiple text,two
PasswordProvide a password here.y#987hjgdyou564
Radio ButtonProvide a value to be selected in the radio button field. For example: Select either of the values Yes or No.Yes
RangeSpecify the range value.6
SelectMention the value to be selected in the select
Select AdvancedMention multiple values to be selected with,green,yellow
ColorInput the hexadecimal value of the color#eeee22
DateProvide the date value in proper format(like mm/dd/yyyy).3/11/2022
Date TimeSpecify the date time value in format mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm3/10/2022 0:00
Fieldset TextEnter the group of texts in a comma separator.text1,text2,text3
oEmbedInclude any youtube url.
SliderEnter the slider field value in number.29
Text ListEnter value for multiple text fields with a comma separator.texta,textb
TimeEnter the time value here in format(hh:mm:ss)9:04:00 AM
WYSIWYG EditorAdd any text values that are supported.TestMetabox fields
FileProvide the file url of your WordPress media library.http://localhost/wordpress5311/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/acf-fc-repeater-export1-1.csv
File AdvancedProvide multiple WordPress media file URLs with comma separators.http://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/CMS-546.jpg,http://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/CMS.jpg,http://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/CMS8.jpg
File InputEnter any external file url or url of your media library.http://localhost/wordpress5111/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Post.csv
ImageProvide a image urlhttp://localhost/wordpress5211/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/CSV-5-01.jpg
Image AdvancedSpecify multiple image URLs separated with a commahttp://localhost/wordpress5711/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/CMS-146.jpg,http://localhost/wordpress5911/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/CMS-144.jpg
VideoGive the uploaded video url in your media library.http://localhost/wordpress5911/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/SM-Mobile-View.webm
PostEnter the post name to relatepost2
TaxonomyMention a category valuecategory1
Taxonomy AdvancedMention multiple taxonomies(categories) values with a comma separator. taxonomy1,taxonomy2,taxonomy3 
UserProvide the user name to assign for this record.admin

Below we have provided a quick overview of how to import and export data to and from Metabox custom fields.

Import & Export Meta Box Custom Fields Data #

The importing and exporting procedure remains the same. But you can learn below how to import MetaBox custom fields and how to export them using the CSV Importer plugin here.

Import MetaBox Custom fields

To import CSV or XML data to your metabox custom fields, start with preparing your import file following the field format values described above. After preparing your import file make sure to validate it using any tool online.

  1. Upload your import file by going to the Ultimate CSV Importer menu in your wordpress dashboard.
  2. Choose the post type where you’ve assigned this metabox custom field. Let the new items be selected if you’re importing date newly.
  3. Click continue.
  4. Map the fields in your import file corresponding to the wordpress fields. Make sure to map the fields listed in the MetaBox custom fields meta widget. Save the mapping with a name and click Continue.
  5. You’ll be navigated to the next page where you can see the manage media uploads and import configuration sections. Choose any one option provided from the Manage Media Uploads section.
  6. Next configure the import by clicking the on import button. The import will start to process and once completed you can verify it with the import log.

Export MetaBox Custom Fields

MetaBox fields data export is done along with the post type it has been assigned to. To export the MetaBox field data, go to the Export tab and choose the post type. For example, if you’ve assigned the Mextabox fields to Users. Select Users from the module list.

Click continue.

In the next step, configure the name, file type, and advanced filters for filtering specific data to export.

Once done, click the Export button. This will display a download page. Click the download button to save the exported file in your local.

Learn how to schedule the import and export of MetaBox plugin custom fields data with the Instant Import, Update, or Schedule data import documentation. You can also get to know the detailed export filters from WordPress using the CSV Importer plugin.

WP Ultimate CSV Importer Pro

WP Ultimate CSV Importer Pro

Get Ultimate CSV/XML Importer to import data on WordPress faster, quicker and safer.