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WP Ultimate CSV Importer PRO

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WordPress Ultimate CSV Importer Modules

There are six sections in the WP Ultimate CSV importer.

Section 1: Dashboard

Section 2: Import/Update

Section 3: Manager

Section 4: Export

Section 5: Settings

Section 6: Support


In the dashboard module, you can view the statistics of import, update, and export details.

  1. Monthly Analysis

The Importers Activity shows the stats of the total number of posts, pages, or other data imported on your WordPress in months.

ultimate csv wpimport dashboard month
  1. Data Analysis

Import Statistics shows how many posts or pages or other WordPress modules data are inserted, updated, and skipped.

ultimate csv wpimport dashboard analysis

Instant or Scheduled data import/update #

WP Ultimate CSV Importer allows you to do the following process


I. WordPress Data Import

Importing 1000 of data and planning it to update on the WordPress website is done easily with the help of the WordPress CSV importer plugin.

Why WordPress Ultimate CSV, XML Importer?

WordPress import export(WP Ultimate CSV Importer) plugin is a perfect solution for website content migration. For illustration, you have a blogging website and you want to transfer 1000 blogs to another website. When you are doing it manually it takes a lot of time to create each post manually in WordPress.To reduce this effort, we developed a powerful CSV importer plugin.

Import CSV/XML data into WordPress #

Ultimate CSV Importer lets you import your CSV/XML data in 5 simple steps.

  • Step 1: Upload the CSV file
  • Step 2: Choose post type
  • Step 3: Mapping CSV header fields with WordPress fields
  • Step 4: Media Handling
  • Step 5: Importing of CSV/XML file

Step 1: Upload the CSV file #

The first step is to upload the CSV file to the CSV importer. There are 4 methods used to upload your file. You can choose your file from your desktop, FTP, or paste an external URL or from a server. The auto delimiter support available for “,”, “t”, “|”, “;”, “:” delimiters

Method 1: Desktop

Upload your CSV file from the desktop. It supports four file formats CSV file (.csv), XML file (.xml), Text file (.txt), and Zip file (.zip)

ultimate csv importer wpimport browse file from desktop

Method 2: FTP/ SFTP/ FTPS Upload

You can upload your CSV and XML files from FTP, SFTP, or FTPS. To access your file you have to provide information such as:

  • Hostname
  • Host id
  • Username
  • Password
  • File path
upload from ftp sftp csv importer

Get to know how to import/update WordPress data via FTP/SFTP.

Method 3: External URLs

You directly upload files from external URLs such as Google Sheets and Dropbox. You have to provide the URL for your CSV for Google Sheets. You can choose an XML file or CSV from Dropbox.


Import Google Sheets Data into WordPress

Create a Google Sheet to import with CSV Importer. You can also download the google sheet as CSV and import them. The moment you drop the file and process the import steps, it will allow you to select which columns to import. You can use the drag and drop method to drag and drag the google sheet fields to the wordpress fields. By this way the import will be processed.

To import Google sheet data from WordPress, follow the below steps:

  • Navigate to the CSV importer plugin. Here, click on “Upload from the URL”
  • Copy and Paste the URL of the Google sheet that you need to import in the File Path section.
  • In the Mapping Section, you can map all the desired fields you need to import. That is you can also leave the undesired fields as empty that you don’t want to import.
  • Configure the media handling and in the next page click Import.

Method 4:

You can upload your CSV or XML file from the server. You can browse data from the server instance.

ultimate csv importer wpimport browse file from server

Step 2: Choose post type #

  1. After uploading the file, a new activity gets open. You have to choose whether the data you want to import is an existing item or a new item.
  2. Then you have to choose the post type from the dropdown(Import each record as)
  • posts
  • pages
  • comments
  • nav_menu_item
  • widgets
  • users, etc.,
choose post type csv importer

Step 3: Mapping CSV header with WordPress fields #

The mapping section allows you to map CSV/XML fields with the corresponding WP fields. WP Ultimate CSV Importer provides two different mapping options.

  1. Advanced Mapping
  2. Drag ‘n’ Drop


Only the mapped fields of your CSV will get imported.

When you provide the wrong header in the CSV header, the data from the CSV header field will get imported, that is it’ll be imported in the wrong WP field. So while mapping the fields check twice the CSV header mapped for the appropriate WordPress fields.

How does Mapping occur?

Once you choose the post type, the importer will list out all the WP fields of the particular post type. If you choose to import records as Posts, then it’ll show WordPress posts fields. When you map the CSV headers with WP fields, the CSV values will get stored in that particular WP field you mapped. So that the data from the CSV file gets stored in WordPress.

1. Advanced Mapping

WP Ultimate CSV Importer automaps the fields, if your CSV headers and WP field names are the same. There are no restrictions in providing name for your CSV header. If you’re using a different header name you have to choose the desired header field name from the drop down. You can also provide the WP Field values instantaneously during your import by choosing Header Manipulation from the drop-down and you can define the CSV fields and Static text within the curly braces using the static field. You can also merge multi-column values and perform arithmetic calculations with the formula field.

wp ultimate csv importer mapping wordpress core fields

There are two types of actions performed in Advanced Mode. Header manipulation and Arithmetic Operations

Header Manipulation:

You can merge the column by choosing the Header Manipulation field from the drop-down. Now you can define the CSV fields and Static text within the curly braces using the static field.

Watch the video to learn how to work with the Header Manipulation field in CSV Importer:

posts csv header fields mapping

Arithmetic Operations:

You can merge column values to perform arithmetic calculations with the formula field.


2. Drag ‘n’ Drop Mapping

It lets you drag & drop the CSV fields to the corresponding WP fields. It provides a complete working experience exactly like your WordPress view. You can simply drag the CSV/XML fields on the right side and drop them in the desired WP Fields on the left. From here you can also preview the mapped CSV fields.

drag and drop mapping csv importer 1149x2048 3

Styles Formatting:

The new WYSIWYG editor in post_content allows you to add styles to the content. The style formatting includes bold, italics, bullets, and numbered items.


This feature allows you to add style to static content along with drag and drop dynamic data columns.

The result will be importing all the post content body build with the same static-styled text. Additionally, you can upload bulk images and zip files from here. Learn more about the bulk image import into WordPress.

bulk image upload into wordpress

Terms and Taxonomies:

In WordPress, Terms refer to taxonomies. There are two types of taxonomies: category and tag. In category, you can import your post categories and and in tags, you can import your keywords.

For example, you’re writing a blog on the Digital marketing category you display on the website. For this, you have created a field as the taxonomy in the CSV file. So that you can map your taxonomies in WordPress. Like the same, in the tag field, you can add tags for that post.

ultimate csv importer wp importer terms taxonomies


Supported Modules #

PostsPagesCustom PostsEvent
Recurring EventsLocationWP eCommerceMarketpress

Custom Fields

You can also add extra necessary fields while you perform the mapping. The ADD CUSTOM FIELD button helps you to add new Custom Fields. You can create new fields based on your needs.


Media Upload Fields

In the media upload field, you have to add the image zip file if it is available. For thatfirst, you have to map the WP and CSV header for the media file.

Save Mapping

With CSV Importer, you can save your field mapping as a template. So, you no longer need to repeat the mapping every time you import the existing item. To save the mapping, add your Template name in the “Save this mapping as” section. Then click Continue, now the mapping will be saved, and proceed to the next step.

wordpress data import mapping template

Use Existing Template

The saved templates will be shown in the initial step of your mapping on future imports(as given below). You can choose the existing mapping or start a new mapping.


Step 4: Media Handling #

WP Ultimate CSV Importer lets you import images in bulk or import inline/featured images along with your post, page, WooCommerce, or any other post type. It also offers you some advanced options for featured image import. To know more about image import, please refer to WP Ultimate CSV Importer Image Import.

  1. Featured Media handling performs four operations.
  2. Media Handling- In this section, you have to choose one among the three.
  3. Post content image option- Choose whether you have to download an external image or not.
  4. Image Size- Select any one of the sizes
  5. Media SEO and Advance Options- You can choose image SEO fields to customize your image SEO performance.
ultimate csv importer wp import media handling

Step 5: Importing of CSV/XML File #

At last, you have to configure the import of CSV/XML files. With an improved import engine, the plugin can handle any size of bulk import as CSV or XML file without any server-side changes like max. execution time settings in php.ini. This means the plugin itself can do bulk imports straight away without any issues like crashes or stalling at import-export events. But not just import, WP Ultimate CSV Importer provides you with some advanced options like Duplicate check, RollBack, and Maintenance mode to make your import more secure. The configuration items are,

  1. Backup before import
  2. Maintenance mode
  3. Handle duplication
  4. Scheduling import
ultimate csv import wp import import confi 1

1. Backup before Import

RollBack option lets you get your database backup before your import. This feature helps in maintaining your database integrity. To take a backup of your database, check on the Enable safe pre-state option. If an unexpected error arises during the import. Easily retrieve the previous state using this RollBack option.

2. Maintenance Mode

With this, you can notify your visitors that your website is under maintenance. You can run important updates at the backend without any intervention. It helps you to maintain your WordPress database more optimized. To run the maintenance mode, check on the ‘Do you want to SWITCH ON Maintenance mode while import?’

3. Handle Duplication

This handles duplicates by providing the default WordPress field to check for duplicates. CSV Importer will check for the duplication in the field and Skip the record. This prevents duplication of records during your import. To handle duplicates, click ‘Do you want to handle the duplicate’. In the existing record choose the desired WordPress field from the drop-down.

ultimate csv importer wp import duplicate handler

4. Schedule Import

This plugin allows you to schedule your import and update processes based on your own UTC. In the schedule, add the Date, Frequency, UTC Time, and Zone. Now click on Schedule, and the import will run at the chosen date and time.

ultimate csv importer wp import scheduler

The data gets imported using the WP Ultimate CSV Importer plugin. Importing the data without a scheduled process lets you see the web view and admin view of the imported/updated records one by one with the help of a log like below.



WordPress Data Update #

WP Ultimate CSV Importer allows you to update your existing WordPress data from any CSV/XML file. Once your CSV/XML file has checked the Existing Items you’re going to update your existing data.

update existing wordpress data

How to update a CSV file in WordPress?

An update of existing WordPress information will be done based on Post Title, ID, and Slug. For WooCommerce Products, you have an additional option to update based on SKU. You can choose any one of these fields in the final step from the Update records based on the drop-down. Based on the value you have chosen, WordPress data will get updated. The mapping and media handling sections follow the same procedure as mentioned for import.

  1. Upload CSV or XML file by using the four methods detailed in Step 1 of WordPress Data Import.
  2. After uploading the data, you have to select an existing item.
ultimate csv importer wp update
  1. Follow Step 3 and 4 as same as WordPress Data Import
  2. In the Import configuration, you have to choose the field that you are going to update. Other steps follow the same as Step 5 in WordPress Data Import
ultimate csv importer wp update confi

Schedule your CSV #

Stage 3: Manager

In the manager section, you can view and manage your files. There are 6 processes handled in the Manager stage.

  1. File Manager
  2. Smart Schedule
  3. Scheduled Export
  4. Templates
  5. Log manager
  6. Media Report

This WP import export plugin offers a scheduling option for both import and export.

1.File Manager

The file manager helps you to maintain all your data. In File Manager, you can download the file with the revised version or zip file. You can also delete the file from here.

2. Smart Schedule

WP Ultimate CSV Import lets you schedule your import as well as update the process based on your own UTC and zone. To schedule, check on Do you want to Schedule this Import in the final step of your import process and add the Date, Frequency, UTC Time, and Zone. Now click on Schedule, and the import will automatically run at the chosen date and time.

ultimate csv importer wp import scheduler

3. Scheduled Export

With WP Ultimate CSV Importer you can also schedule your export to automatically backup your WordPress data based on your UTC Time and Zone without any manual intervention. You can export data in your FTP, FTPS, and SFTP. Specify the Date, frequency, UTC Time, and Zone. Finally, click on Scheduled Export.

ultimate csv importer manage scheduled export

4. Templates

These templates get created during the mapping of import and update. It is useful when you upload the same format data into the plugin. The templates listed below in this field

5. Log Manager

Log Manager provides the details of the activities undergone in the existing files. So that you can check the latest revision

6. Media Report

In the media report, the featured images that are inserted via CSV file will be displayed. Also, this displays the success and failure count of images.

Export Data in CSV/XML File #

Section 4: Export

The export module enables you to export all your WordPress data with advanced options. There are three steps to export your data from WordPress.

  1. Select the file you want to export
  2. Export your data
  3. Advanced Features

Step 1: Select the file you want to export

Choose the module to export data. For Custom Post and Custom Taxonomy, you need to select the post type from the dropdown list. Once chosen, the total records count of the particular module is displayed in the top right corner.

Note: If no data is available, then you can’t proceed to the second step.

Click on Continue.


Step 2: Export your Date

Initially add the Filename to export. Now you can skip the other export sections and click on Export when you no longer need to add any filters to your Export. By default the export is done in CSV format, however, you can change the file format from the “Advanced Settings” option.

wordpress data export file name

Step 3: Advance Features

Advanced Settings

  • WP Ultimate CSV Importer lets you export data in 4 different file formats CSV, XML, XLS, and JSON. Choose the desired option from the Export Type.

Additionally, CSV Importer allows you to split your data and export, this can be useful in the case of exporting large amounts of data. Enable Split the Record and mention the values in numbers. If you provide the value as 1000, the first 1000 records will be in the 1st CSV file, the next 1000 in the 2nd file, and so on.

wordpress exporter advanced settings

Advanced Filters

WP Ultimate CSV Importer offers you 5 different filters. Enable the required filter option and use it.

  • Export data with auto delimiters – Choose one of the five provided delimiters from the “Delimiters” drop-down. If you need to use a different delimiter you can add it in the “Other Delimiters” column.

Export data for a specific period – It allows you to export the files imported in a specific period. Mention the From date and End date to export the files.

specific period export
  • Export data with a specific status – It allows you to export the files with a specified post status. The status can be publish, sticky, private, protected, draft, and pending.
specific status ultimate exporter
  • Export data by specific authors – It lets you export the files of specific authors. The author may be an admin, user, contributor, etc.
specific authors ultimate exporter
  • Export data based on specific inclusion – Lets you export the data with some specific fields. It displays all the WordPress fields based on the groups. If you want to export any particular fields or fields from any supported third-party plugin for the selected module, you can select that field in this filter.
specific inclusion export

Once done with your filters, click on Export. Finally, click on “Download” to download the exported file.

Custom Post Export

custome post

Custom Taxonomies


Section 5: Settings

There are four classifications are there in the setting module

  1. General Settings
  2. Database Optimization
  3. Security and Performance
  4. Documentation

1.General Setting

In a general setting, you can:

  • Drop table – Enabling the drop table will delete all the details available in the plugin “Manager” tab. Records imported using the CSV Importer Pro plugin won’t get deleted or removed during the process. After enabling the Drop-table option in the settings tab, deactivate the plugin to remove the records in the Manager section.
Drop table gif 1
  • Scheduled log mails- The log details will send to you via Email
  • Send Password to user – It sends user password through Email
Send Password user gif
  • WooCommerce Custom Attributes- Enable this to register the names of WooCommerce attributes.
  • CMB2 Metadata- Display prefix of your fields

2. Database Optimization

Database optimization is a technique to reduce the DB response time. While optimizing databases make sure that you already have a backup for this DB. The deleted data can’t be retrieved.

3. Security and Performance

In this module, the minimum requirements, system value, and debug information are present.

  • The minimum required php.ini values contain the system values and the requirements for each variable.
minimum requirements
  • You can view the requirement to enable/ disable loaders, extensions, and modules such as PDO and curl.
    • PDO- Php Data Objects is a database access layer that uses a unified API.
    • Curl- It is a command-line tool to access data from or to the server
  • In debug information, you can check out your software details and versions.

4. Documentation

This document section includes a demo video of the product. You can view the details of the developer, product, documentation, and demo videos. You can also check out the other WP plugins developed by us. The main purpose of this section is to encourage a self-help process that helps to clear all the queries of WP Ultimate CSV Importer yourself.

Section 6: Support

You can contact our support team to assist you in clearing all your questions.

WP Ultimate CSV Importer Pro

WP Ultimate CSV Importer Pro

Get Ultimate CSV/XML Importer to import data on WordPress faster, quicker and safer.