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WP Ultimate CSV Importer PRO

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What is Elementor Import Export?

The CSV Importer PRO is an Elementor plugin for import and export processes. Using this plugin, you can import any pages or templates in a CSV format, XML file, Zip file, or Text file. After importing them, you can easily view or edit the data using the available features. Furthermore, the exportation of posts and templates isn’t a hassle with this plugin anymore.

The CSV Importer PRO provides the user with the import and export feature. Using this feature, you can import/export a template alone or the content(including the template). The main advantages of this feature is you can easily import/ export elementor templates in the CSV file format other than template format. So that you can effortlessly migrate your elementor template/content from website to website as CSV  instead of elementor kit. This documentation delivers the process of importing and exporting contents and templates.

Elementor Content Import/Export: #

This section describes the importing and exporting process of your content from the websites. Here we will import and export a page from one website to another. Before we start that process, we need to install the plugin. Let’s see its installation steps and then the import/export process.

Step 1: Installation of Plugin: #

The plugin can be downloaded in three different ways. The step-by-step process is described here. Choose any option that seems easy for you and install the plugin.

1.1 By downloading the zip file – General way: #

  1. Go to the MyAccount page and download the plugin’s zip file.
  2. After downloading the zip file, navigate to the Plugins option in the navigation bar.
  3. Select Add New > Upload.
  4. In the upload section, upload the downloaded zip file.
  5. Activate it.

1.2 Downloading it directly from the plugin section:(For Free version) #

  1. Select Plugin> Add New in the navigation bar.
  2. In the search bar, search for the plugin – ‘WP Ultimate CSV Importer
  3. The search results will show the plugin. Click the install button.
  4. After the plugin is installed, you can see the Activate button.
  5. Click the Activate button.

1.3 For FTP users: #

  1. Download the plugin’s zip file.
  2. Go to /wp-content/plugins/.
  3. Copy-paste the plugin’s zip file there and extract it.
  4. Now go to the WordPress Dashboard.
  5. Select Plugins > Installed Plugins.
  6. Activate it.

Step 2: Export your CSV file – Download: #

After installing the plugin, to import the content, we need a CSV file of it. It’s not mandatory to be in CSV format. But it is necessary to have it in any of the specified formats. Here are the steps to export your existing website to the required file format.

  1. Navigate to the Ultimate CSV Importer PRO.
  2. Click on Export and select the content types from the drop-down menu. Some of the examples are pages, posts, etc.
  3. The plugin will analyze the total number of pages you have and show it at the right end of the section.
  4. Verify the count and click Continue.
  5. Now you can see the fields to enter the file details. Enter your file name in the Export file name box.
  6. Click your required file type such as CSV in the advanced settings. As default, the CSV file is selected.
  7. If you want to split your file based on records, check in the ‘Split the record’ box.
  8. Using the options in the ‘Advanced Filters’ section, you can export any specified data. For example: Export the pages between specific periods.
  9. Click on the Export button at the right end. 

Step 3: Export your CSV file – View the downloaded file: #

After downloading the file, follow the below steps to view the file 

  1. Open Google Spreadsheet.
  2. Go to File > Open > Upload Section.
  3. Click on Browse and select your exported file.
  4. Now you can see the entire content in the tabulated form.

In the spreadsheet, you can see that all the fields of the exported page including the elementor fields are placed in the field header. And the value of those tags is placed underneath.

Step 4: Import your downloaded file: #

Now it’s time to import the file to your required website.

  1. Navigate to the Ultimate CSV Importer PRO tab.
  2. Open the Import/ Update tab.
  3. Using the browse button, navigate your downloaded CSV file.

Step 5: Create or Update existing file: #

Now you can see two options – New item and Existing item. The New item describes importing a new website from the content file. And the existing item updates the content of the existing website. For example, I clicked the New Item here.

Furthermore, you can import any content types. It can be pages, posts, users, comments, images, and so on. For example, here I have imported pages. You can select any content type from the drop-down menu.

After that, click the continue button at your right end.

WP Ultimate CSV Importer Pro

WP Ultimate CSV Importer Pro

Get Ultimate CSV/XML Importer to import data on WordPress faster, quicker and safer.

Step 6: Set Mapping settings: #

The Ultimate CSV Importer PRO plugin provides you with advanced settings where you can map the values of the WordPress fields. By default, this setting assigns the values in the uploaded CSV file by auto-mapping. It directs the respected header values to the WordPress Fields. 

Ensure all the elementor fields are mapped correctly as in the CSV file.

Mapping elementor fields

Furthermore, you can map them using the Advanced mode or the Drag & Drop Mode. You can map the field using the drop-down menu using advanced mode.

This plugin can also map the field values in CSV to the WP Fields using the drag-and-drop feature.

Step 7: Media SEO & Advanced options: #

If you are exporting any images, you can set the image properties using this setting. This section has the fields for choosing an image title, caption, alt text, and description. Furthermore, you can change the file name of your image using the option given and select the image size from the Image Sizes section. After setting all the image features, click on the Continue button. 

Step 8: Import Configuration settings: #

After setting the image properties, you will be directed to the import configuration settings. This setting consists of various options. Those are listed below:

  • Enable safe prostate Rollback – It backups the files before importing them
  • Do you want to SWITCH ON Maintenance mode while importing? – After you select this option, your pages will be imported along with the maintenance mode.
  • Do you want to handle the duplicates on existing records? – This option removes all the existing duplicates on your file before importing them.
  • Do you want to schedule this import? – With this feature, you can set the time when the file has to be imported. It automatically imports them when the scheduled time reaches.

Select the desired configuration settings. Click on the Import button after choosing your option.

Step 9: View the imported post – Logs: #

After the import process is finished, you can see the imported history using the View Logs button. The log report showcases the following data:

  • Type of the imported file
  • Mode of event
  • Total number of records
  • Rows handled on each iteration
  • File used to import data into
  • Status of the imported page with timestamp
  • Web View and Admin View

You can review the exported content using the two different views. One is Web View and the other is Admin View. You can select either of the options and preview your content.

Web view

Step 10: View the imported page- In the Dashboard: #

To view the post, go to your WordPress dashboard. Select Pages > All Pages. You can see your newly added pages in the list of available pages there. Hovering over the page title, you can see the following options – Edit, Quick Edit, Trash, View, Edit with Elementor. You can perform any of those actions on the new page you imported. This is how you import your content with the template and export it as another page or post.

elementor content import

As mentioned, you can import and export your content to various records. It can be a post, page, image, custom posts, Woocommerce products or anything on the WordPress sites. Everything has the same procedure. The only thing is that you have to select the content type of the record while importing it.

Elementor Template Import/Export: #

This plugin allows you to import or export the template from WordPress websites. The import and export in the CSV Importer PRO are the same irrespective of the files. It can be just a template or content including the template. The only thing that changes is the file downloading process. If it is a content or post, download the content from the Posts or Pages section. And for the template, you can do the same from the Template section in the WordPress Dashboard. 

Elementor Template Export:

  • Navigate to Ultimate CSV Importer Pro-> Export
  • To export the elementor templates, Select the content type as custom post and choose the Elementor Library from the drop-down menu
Elementor template library
  • Verify the number of templates and click on continue
  • Provide the file name and select the file type
  • Use the advanced filter based on your business needs
  • Click on Export
  • Now all your elementor templates will be exported in your desired file format.

Elementor template Import:

The import process is the same as that of the elementor content update. Here you can import the elementor templates instead of elementor content.

Ensure the elementor template fields are mapped correctly as in CSV.

Mapping elementor templates

Follow the import instructions described in the importing elementor content section. Once done with the importing process, your elementor templates of the selected content type has been imported. You can view it in Admin view or Web view by clicking on the View logs.

elementor content admin view

Conclusion:  #

This documentation is the step-by-step procedure to use the Ultimate CSV Importer PRO. It describes the import and export features of the plugin in detail. So make your import/ export process simple with this plugin and do them effortlessly.

WP Ultimate CSV Importer Pro

WP Ultimate CSV Importer Pro

Get Ultimate CSV/XML Importer to import data on WordPress faster, quicker and safer.