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WP Ultimate CSV Importer PRO

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How To Import And Migrate Images To Wp Media

Images play a vital role in content marketing. You have to upload 1000’s inline or featured images to your website that attracts the audience. Uploading images manually can automate by WP Ultimate CSV Importer. Import and export in WP made easy . It enables you to import featured images into your website and relate them to your Posts. You can import with Cron for a faster and smooth import performance. Few asked a question, does WordPress export images too? Of course yes! WordPress can export images by default. You can use plugins for featured and customized export.

Image Features in WP Ultimate CSV Importer

There are few more features added that support the image concept in WP ultimate CSV importer.

Smarter Image Import

Images bring life to your content and help boost engagement. WP Ultimate CSV Importer enables you to import images from any external source like Google images with the exact dimensions that fit your page design. Additionally, captions and alternative text in images play a major role in SEO. You can specify the image size and rename the image that loads from another website to make it SEO friendly. You can optimize your WordPress media with a better duplicate image handler.

Image optimization for SEO

Image SEO Optimization is the building block of OnPage Optimization. WP Ultimate CSV Importer enables you to import images with their alt text, title, description to make them Google friendly. You can optimize your website to get traffic from Google Image search and other SERPs

Import External Images

Did you just migrate your website to WordPress? Importing images can be difficult at times when the exported CSV has images pointing to the old source. Well, it doesn’t have to be with WP Ultimate CSV Importer. You can easily import with external URLs of your previous Joomla, Tumblr, Weebly, or any other platform. You can also import images from Google, Pixabay, etc. in few clicks.

WP Ultimate CSV Importer Pro

WP Ultimate CSV Importer Pro

Get Ultimate CSV/XML Importer to import data on WordPress faster, quicker and safer.

Image sizes

Permits you to import images based on their specific size. WP Ultimate CSV Importer allows users to use 4 different image sizes: Thumbnail, Medium, Medium-Large, and Large. With the Custom size option, you can also add custom size to your images.

SEO Friendly

You get the chance of high image search engine ranking with the use of SEO fields. WP Ultimate CSV Importer allows you to import images with the use of SEO fields like title, description, alt text. All you have to do is to check on the fields that you need to import and take cognizance of the desired CSV fields. Finally, click Continue to proceed with your Import.

Importing external images is now achievable without localizing/downloading them into WP media. You can also switch to enable this download option at any time. To make it relevant to the post content images, which exist as a 3rd, party remote URLs.

Important Note

  • Password protected image upload with its external URL is not allowing
  • It is only when the used theme supports the plugin that the featured image will be visible.

Premium 3rd Party Add-on support

WP Ultimate CSV Importer is being constantly extending its boundary with the support for a wide range of other WordPress add-ons. Now we’ve added support for the FREE version of NextGEN Gallery Image.

NextGEN Gallery is a WordPress gallery plugin that allows you to upload, share, and add photos to your website or blog. Managing galleries were made easy and simple, and it is effective enough for the most challenging photographers, visual artists, and imagery professionals. The basic features include two gallery display types and two album styles. You can, however, switch to the Plus or Pro plans at any time.

By using WP Ultimate CSV Importer, you can upload

  • Publicly accessible external images
  • Internally stored WordPress media images
  • Images available on the local desktop in zip format

It is not so easy to download images from the web and upload it into the gallery. To make your work easier, WP Ultimate CSV Importer allows you to upload all the images through CSV and XML files. A bulk of images can get uploaded at the same time.

How to Import and Export images in WP?

Let’s discuss the two main processes of image import in WP ultimate CSV Importer here.

CSV Preparation

Compress all your images and zip them into a file for you to upload into WordPress. Now, state the image location from where you have taken the zip, followed by the image name—for example, pictures/imagename.jpg. Right in your CSV file, you can mention only the name of your image alone if you have taken the image you’ve zipped. Add the external URL in your CSV for images uploaded from the URL as outlined in the below image.

Import images along with your Post

WP Ultimate CSV Importer allows you to import all images into your WordPress . You can use the existing WordPress media images or external links of Google images. You need to enable CRON (Refer our blog enable & Configure WP-Cron) to import images.

Enable Download external images to your media feature in the Media Handling module.


WP Ultimate CSV Importer allows you to execute duplicate images in 2 different ways

  • Either use media images if it is available – Enable it to adopt your existing image
  • Or you can delete and adopt images by Enable to delete the existing image with a new image (mentioned in your CSV).

Step 1: Upload the CSV file into WP ultimate CSV importer

Once your CSV preparation is done, you have to upload the file into WP ultimate CSV importer through desktop, FTP, external URL, or by the server.

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Step 2: Simple Automated Mapping

The XML or CSV fields with the corresponding WordPress and NextGEN Gallery fields. If the Header name and Field name exactly matches it automatically gets mapped. If not, choose the corresponding field from the drop-down menu.

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Step 3: Featured Image Media Handling

To download external images in your WP media, Featured Image Handling is used. You can configure this by enabling the ‘Download external images to your media’ button. Feature Image handling option allows you to assign new or existing WP gallery images.

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To make sure the images are imported, go forth to the gallery tab, and verify the uploaded image. In the same way, you can also upload the images with posts in WordPress. By doing so, your images added to the gallery as well as related to the posts.

Update & Export Images with Metadata using CSV Importer Pro

When you have 1000’s of images in your media library, it is hard to edit and include the content inside manually.

With WP ultimate CSV Importer, users can update the existing images using the ID or name in the WP media library. This plugin takes the hassle off and saves time.

Step 1: Choose existing items like below and choose images

Upload your CSV file from desktop, FTP, external URL, or server. Click on continue. In the next prompt click on the Existing item.

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Step 2: Mapping the WP header and CSV header

Note the preferred CSV and WP fields like Image titles, alt text, caption, and description. Insert the name of the image in the file name section to update the other records. You can likewise utilize the ID in the filename section.

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Step 3: Update Records

Under the update condition, choose your filename and update the records

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At this stage, you have all your images and their metadata successfully updated.

Export the images

Choose the option “Images” in the export page and click the continue button.

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You can export images in four different file format and with advanced features. The advanced features includes delimiters, categories, authors, scheduling.

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End Tips

WP Ultimate CSV Importer gives you a better way to import your NextGEN gallery images into your WordPress website. You can keep your images organized within your NextGEN gallery folders. Locating and relating the images with their Post is automatically performed during import.

Check out the trial version of WP Ultimate CSV Importer. You can buy the related WordPress premium plugins in combo offer. For any assistance, contact [email protected].