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Update, Export Images with Metadata – CSV Importer

WP Ultimate CSV Importer Pro is a powerful tool that allows uploading large images with SEO options for images. You can upload images from any accessible external public URL or computer into WordPress. In this article, you will learn how CSV Importer Pro lets you update and export images with metadata.

Import Images via CSV

CSV Preparation

Compress all your images and zip into a file for you to upload into WordPress. Mention the exact location where you compressed images into a zip. For example – pictureslocation/imagename.jpg. State only the image name in your CSV file, if you have compressed it into zip. In your CSV, add the external URL of the uploaded images.

Upload your CSV

Choose Images in the Import each record that appears as a dropdown after browsing and uploading your CSV file


Take cognizance of the preferred CSV and WP fields such as Image titles, alt text, caption, and description. In the Featured images section, note your CSV header, which consists of the image name or Location.

Once done, move to the Media Upload fields section and upload your zipped images file. In this section, you can also locate the Drag ‘n’ Drop mode. Delete any unwanted images during runtime at this point.

Finally, click on Continue.

Media Handling

Enable the Download external images in your media and click on Continue; possibly, you have used any external images.

Import images

Once you have completed the process, click on the Import button to upload all your desired images into WordPress Media Gallery besides its title, alt text, caption, and description.

Import images along with your Post

WP Ultimate CSV Importer allows you to import all images into your WordPress, whether inline or featured. There are 2 different choices for you to use the images either from external links or existing media. Select from Google Images, Pixabay, Pexels, etc or choose from WordPress Media images. Enable CRON to import images (You can refer to our Enable & Configure WP-Cron blog).

You can enable the Download external images to your media feature in the Image Media Handling to import.

WP Ultimate CSV Importer Pro

WP Ultimate CSV Importer Pro

Get Ultimate CSV/XML Importer to import data on WordPress faster, quicker and safer.

Image Handling

Perform the duplicate checks for images in two ways with WP Ultimate CSV Importer Pro.

  • Either utilize media images if it is presently available – Enable it to adopt your existing image.
  • Or you want to delete and adopt the existing images – Enable to delete the existing image with a new image (mentioned in your CSV).

Image sizes

Based on the particular size, it allows importing images. WP Ultimate CSV Importer allows users to use different sizes, such as Thumbnail, Medium, Medium-Large, and Large. The Custom Size option allows adding Custom size to your images.

SEO Friendly

Use the SEO fields available in WP Ultimate CSV Importer Pro to get a high search engine ranking for the image. Import images with SEO fields including Image ALT text, name, description and caption. You can notice the required CSV fields and check on the fields you want to import. Click on the Continue to proceed with your import finally.

Import the remote images directly – no need to download them into your local media

Importing remote external images is now achievable without localizing/downloading it into WP media. If needed at any time, you can also switch to enable this download option. Make the existing third-party remote URLs relevant to the post content images. Our design ensures this feature does not disturb the featured image import.

Important Note

  • External URLs are not allowed to be uploaded with password-protected images.
  • The featured images will be visible only when the theme used supports the plugin.

Image update

When you have thousands of images in your WordPress media library, it is quite hard to manually edit and include the content inside the image title, caption, alt text, and description field.

With the aid of the CSV Importer Pro plugin, users can update the images using the ID or name of the existing images available in the WordPress media library. This plugin takes the hassle off and saves time.

Step1 : Choose existing items like below and choose images

wp ultimate csv importer import record as images 1

Step 2 : Note the preferred CSV and WP fields like Image titles, alt text, caption, and description. Insert the name of the image in the file name section to update the other records. Likewise, you can use the ID in the section of the filename.

wp ultimate csv importer mapping csv header with wp fields 2

Step 3: Under the update condition, choose your filename and update the records

wp ultimate csv importer update record on filename 1 3

Now, all your images along with metadata are successfully updated.

Export Images with Metadata

Choose the option “Images” in the exporting page and just click the continue button.

You can rightly assign the various files and get the data exported.


1. Can I import and update the images at the same time?

Yes, you can. Image import happens when you add-new image URL. Meanwhile, the metadata update for other images done with the existing file names.

2. Is it necessary to add the image URL in my CSV file and mark it out with featured image fields in the mapping section to correctly perform the update process?

It is not necessary to do the updating process, image URL, or LOCAL images in a zip format. The name of the image or ID of the image is mandatory to execute the update process.

3. Can I export the images from one site and import the same into another?

It is possible to export the images from one site and import the same into another as long as the image URL available in the CSV is publicly accessible and in downloadable format.