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How to update WooCommerce field data using Custom Fields

how to update woocommerce field data using custom fields

WordPress is a Content Management System where you can easily manage your blog posts, pages, custom settings, and e-commerce store. After the WooCommerce plugin release in wordpress.org, setting up the sales store on the online platform became easy for WordPress users. If you are a WordPress user who frequently explored the plugins in wordpress.org, you might have already known about the popularity of WooCommerce. More than 5+ million customers are currently using WooCommerce to run their business websites. To help WooCommerce users, so many third-party plugin providers are coming forward every day with the Free and Pro plugins, and we are also one plugin provider contributing on the same line. In this blog, you are going to know how to update WooCommerce field data with the help of the WP Ultimate CSV Importer Pro plugin. Our tool made it easier for WooCommerce users to update their field data efficiently.

How CSV Importer works with WooCommerce

WordPress Ultimate CSV Importer Pro plugin helps you to import, update, and export WooCommerce Fields data. A wordpress user with data in the CSV or XML format can easily use our WordPress CSV/XML Importer to push the content into the wordpress website. Our XML Importer is specially designed to import the various types of data like WooCommerce products, variations, categories, tags, orders, refunds, coupons, attributes, product gallery images, product bundles, chained products, and more.

Records update using WordPress CSV Importer

Once a website is launched, products listed on the sales page require modification frequently. Stock status, Stock quantity, Regular Price of the product, Discount price, Discount coupons, order status, and many other field data demands frequent updates. With this requirement in mind, WordPress Ultimate CSV Importer Pro Plugin supports update options for the WooCommerce field data based on the Product title, Product ID, Product Slug, and ProductSKU.

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A WooCommerce user can use any one of the mentioned fields for the matching case, and update the other fields in the WooCommerce store in a quick time.

Schedule update using WordPress CSV Importer

If it is a one-time import/export/update process, the schedule feature is not really needed unless you have bulk data with images. Demand for the schedule import/update and export increases only when a WooCommerce user needs to update the store details every day or week or monthly. WordPress Ultimate CSV Importer Pro plugin allows schedule updates via valid external URL and FTP/SFTP servers. WordPress CSV Importer executed the automatic Schedule update process using the CRON.

WP Ultimate CSV Importer Pro

WP Ultimate CSV Importer Pro

Get Ultimate CSV/XML Importer to import data on WordPress faster, quicker and safer.

Import/Export WooCommerce data with custom fields

WordPress Ultimate CSV Importer offers import/update and export support for the custom fields data created using the custom fields plugin like ACF Free and Pro, Toolset types, JetEngine, Pods, CMB2, and default WordPress custom fields. If you have custom fields created using any of the above-mentioned plugins and assigned under the WooCommerce products and WooCommerce categories, the WordPress CSV Importer plugin lets you import/update, and export the CSV/XML file records easily.

Update WooCommerce field data using custom fields

As long as a WordPress user keeps unique SKU values, and product titles for the WooCommerce store, data updates can be done effortlessly. But the real problem starts to occur when the WordPress user starts to build a site with no SKU values or the same product title for different products. This is the place where custom fields come into the picture. Using a custom field to store the unique reference number for each product makes a WooCommerce Store Owner handle the stock and price details much comfortably. Installing the WordPress Ultimate CSV Importer plugin on your website lets you update the WooCommerce field data using the custom field. Let’s take for an example a WooCommerce store owner likes to automate the update process for every one week for the field types stock quantity and sales price, all he/she needs to do is prepare a CSV file with stock data, sales price, and custom field data(for matching) to update the details.

To know how this functionality works, Check the below youtube Video:

Supported custom field add-ons for Ultimate CSV Importer

WordPress Ultimate CSV Importer plugin is currently providing update support for three custom fields: ACF Free and Pro, Toolset, and Pods. All the mentioned add-ons perform WooCommerce field data updates. Custom fields plugins can create many field types under the WooCommerce store, and the WordPress CSV Importer Pro plugin limits the update feature for only two fields.

ACF Free and Pro: If you are using the ACF free or Pro plugin, the WordPress Ultimate CSV Importer Pro plugin lets you perform the WooCommerce field data update using the Text and Number field types.

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Toolset types: If you are a toolset plugin customer, the WordPress CSV Importer add-on supports the WooCommerce field data update using the Text and Number field types.

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Pods: If you use Pods add-on, CSV/XML Importer plugin allows you to do the update based on the Plain Text and Plain Number field types.

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Reach Us for Queries

Do you have any queries?. We are really glad in helping you. Just drop your queries to the email [email protected]