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Polylang and CSV Importer: A Guide to Import Images along with alt text, and descriptions

polylang images import with csv importer

Multilingual websites are becoming increasingly common as businesses and content creators strive to reach a global audience. WordPress, a popular content management system, offers various plugins to facilitate the creation of multilingual websites, and Polylang is one of the most widely used options. While Polylang simplifies the process of translating content, managing media files such as images across different language versions may pose a challenge. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the process of Polylang Images Import in WordPress using CSV Importer.

Step 1: Install and Activate Polylang Plugin

Before you begin, ensure the Polylang plugin is installed and activated on your WordPress site. You can find and install it directly from the WordPress plugin repository.

Step 2: Enable Media Translation in Polylang

Once Polylang is installed, go to the WordPress dashboard and navigate to “Languages” in the left-hand menu. Select the “Settings” tab, and under the “Media,” check the option that says “Activate media translations.”

Enabling this option ensures that when you upload images, Polylang will create separate media entries for each language, allowing you to manage translations more efficiently.

Step 3: Upload Images in the Default Language

To initiate the process, upload your images in the default language of your website. Polylang will automatically create translated versions of these images for each language you’ve configured.

Step 4: Accessing Media Library for Translated Images

Navigate to the “Media” section in the WordPress dashboard. You will now see a list of all your uploaded images. Polylang adds a language filter to this screen, allowing you to filter images based on the language.

Switch to the desired language using the language filter to see the images associated with that language. You can now update or replace these images independently for each language version.

Step 5: Translating Image Metadata

In addition to the images themselves, you may want to translate metadata such as captions, alt text, and descriptions. Polylang provides options to manage these translations within the media library.

Edit the image in the desired language by clicking on it. Update the metadata fields with translated content, ensuring that your media files are visually translated and optimized for each language’s audience.

Step 6: Implementing Translated Images in Posts or Pages

Now that you have your images and translations ready, you can include them in your posts or pages. When editing a post or page, switch to the language you want to work on, and you’ll find that Polylang automatically loads the relevant translated images into the media library interface.

Simply select the translated image you want to use, and it will be displayed in the content editor.

Streamlining Media File Import with CSV

Managing media files on your WordPress site can sometimes be a daunting task, especially when dealing with a large number of images. Fortunately, CSV importers offer an efficient solution to handle media files effortlessly, allowing you to import images seamlessly along with your posts, products, or even external images for pages. Let us explore the benefits of using a CSV importer for media files and guide you on how to leverage this tool to import images, including their translations.

Effortless Media File Handling

CSV importers simplify the process of importing media files by providing a structured way to organize and import data. Whether you’re adding featured image to posts, product images for e-commerce sites, or external images for pages, CSV importers streamline the entire process.

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Individual Image Import with Translations:

One notable advantage of using a CSV importer is the ability to import images with their translations individually. This feature proves particularly useful for multilingual websites, where each image may have different versions tailored to various language audiences.

How to Import Images with Translations:

Now let us see the step-by-step instructions to import the images directly into the Multilingual Website.

Prepare Your Image Files:

Zip the file or folder containing the images you want to import. For example, if your image folder is named “WP-exporter,” create a ZIP file with the same name.

    polylang image import zip file

    CSV File Configuration

    In your CSV file, include the image ZIP file name in the designated image field. If you zipped a folder, provide the image field as the file path within the ZIP file. For example:

    • If you zipped the WP exporter image, enter “WP-exporter” in the image field of the CSV.
    • If you zipped the folder “downloads” containing the WP exporter image, fill in the image field as “downloads/WP-exporter.”
    polylang image import csv

    Importing Process

    Importing the CSV using WP CSV importer is the same for all the Content types.

    Navigate to the WP Ultimate CSV importer-> Import/Update->Browse

    Upload your CSV file and select Images from the drop-down menu.

    polylang image import select post type

    Click on Continue for Mapping. WordPress allows you to map the fields, ensuring a seamless integration of your data.

    polylang image import mapping

    On the Media Upload files, upload your Zipped images or the Zipped folder that you need to upload. Now save the Mapped template.

    polylang image import upload media files

    Configure the feature media handling and click on Continue

    polylang import and export feature media handling

    Now configure Import settings and click on Import.

    polylang import and export import configuration settings

    Your uploaded media files have been successfully imported on Multilingual websites using WP CSV importer.

    polylang image import completed

    You can easily verify the result by clicking on the View Log-> Admin View.


    In conclusion, using a CSV importer for media files simplifies the complex task of managing images on your WordPress site. Creating a multilingual website with WordPress and Polylang is a powerful way to reach a diverse audience. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can seamlessly manage and import images with Polylang translations, ensuring that your visual content is as diverse and inclusive as your written content.  The ability to import images along with translations enhances the functionality of multilingual websites. By including the necessary information in your CSV file, you can efficiently handle media files, saving time and ensuring a smooth import process. Remember to stay organized, zip your image files or folders, and enjoy a hassle-free experience when working with media content in WordPress.

    Refer to our user guide for step-by-step instructions to migrate polylang translation of post, custom post and Pages. Additionally, You can import your Polylang translation of WooCommerce products, variations and Orders alone effectively with this Polylang and CSV importer integration.