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What is WordPress? A Complete Beginner’s Guide on How to use

What is WordPress A Beginners guide

WordPress stands out as one of the most popular and versatile platforms for creating your websites and blogs in the vast landscape of website creation and content management systems. WordPress offers various features and functionalities to help you create and manage your online presence effectively, whether you’re a blogger, a small business owner, or an aspiring entrepreneur. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of WordPress, covering everything from its basics to advanced tips and tricks, addressing common concerns, and exploring its potential compared to other platforms.

Definition of WordPress

WordPress is a free, open-source content management system (CMS) that allows users to create, manage, and publish content on the web. 

Now let’s break the terms one by one for easy understanding.


The Content Management System is nothing but a tool, to easily manage content on your websites without any coding knowledge. 

Free and OpenSource

Since WordPress is an open-source software, anyone can use, and modify it based on their unique business requirements with no cost.

Now let’s see, where WordPress begins from.

WordPress was Initially launched as a blogging platform in 2003 and has evolved into a versatile CMS powering millions of websites across various industries. 

Importance and Versatility of WordPress

WordPress’s popularity stems from its user-friendly interface, extensive customization options, and robust plugin ecosystem. With WordPress, anyone can create any type of website.  From personal blogs to corporate websites and e-commerce stores, WordPress caters to a diverse range of users, making it a preferred choice for individuals and businesses alike.

WordPress is essential for every business that uses a website. Nowadays there are only a few businesses that don’t have a website.

WooCommerce -WordPress with e-commerce support

With the increasing trend of the internet and technology, almost every business uses online shopping. Creating a new, trendy, and catchy eCommerce website is now easy for everyone without a developer. Since the e-commerce platforms deal with the products, payments, and orders of any shopping, WordPress provides support for e-commerce with the Woocommerce plugin.

With WordPress Woocommerce you can,

  • Create blogs, product pages, and forums for your product with your unique business style. 
  • Include well-designed images and detailed descriptions on your product page in an easy and effective way
  • Customize or design the checkout process for an easy and secure transaction. 
  • Easily promote your products and e-commerce websites with Search engine optimization.
  • Drive traffic to your websites with keywords apt for search engines and enhance productivity.

Understanding WordPress

What is WordPress and How Do You Use It?

WordPress operates on a simple premise: it provides users with a platform to create and manage their websites without the need for extensive coding knowledge. Through its intuitive dashboard, users can easily add content, customize their site’s appearance, and extend functionality with plugins.

Know the difference between WordPress.org and WordPress.com

WordPress.org- It is a self-hosted wordpress website that allows users to create their own website without any restrictions.  That is you can have all permissions to access each and every feature of creating a website.
WordPress.com- It is a software developed by WordPress.org. Here the users have some restrictions on accessing the features of website creation as it is not your self-hosted website. That is the website is hosted by WordPress.com. So that you don’t need to download any software. You can utilize the wordpress.com subdomain for Free. You can also purchase your custom domain (For example testsite. wordpress.com) which is the best way to host your websites.

Exploring the Basics of WordPress Functionality

At its core, WordPress comprises two main components: the front end, which is what visitors see when they land on your site, and the back end, also known as the dashboard, where you manage your site’s content and settings.

  • WordPress has a database to store your content, themes to design your website, and plugins to add functionality to your website.
  • With WordPress, you can create, draft, and publish your content on your own websites at any time.
  • Easy to edit or update your blog posts every time you have updated your product.
  • Flexible to add plugins that suit every business’s needs. 
  • Provide an effective way to Add or insert technical, high-resolution images, a customized product image, and walkthrough videos to your content to drive more traffic. It helps highly engaged content for customers to make an informed decision.

Key Features of WordPress

  1. Themes: WordPress offers a wide selection of themes, allowing users to change the appearance of their site with just a few clicks. Whether you prefer a minimalist design or a vibrant layout, there’s a theme to suit every taste and purpose.
  2. Plugins: Plugins add extra functionality to your WordPress site, such as contact forms, social media integration, SEO optimization, and more. With thousands of free and premium plugins available, you can enhance your site’s capabilities without writing a single line of code.
  3. Customization: WordPress provides extensive customization options, allowing users to personalize their site’s colors, fonts, layouts, and more to reflect their brand identity.
  4. SEO-Friendly: WordPress is inherently SEO-friendly, with features such as clean code structure, customizable permalinks, and plugins like Yoast SEO that help optimize your content for search engines.

Getting Started with WordPress

How Do I Start Using WordPress?

Getting started with WordPress is straightforward. You can either sign up for a free account on WordPress.com or download the self-hosted version from WordPress.org and install it on your web server.

Steps to Set Up a WordPress Website or Blog

Below are the step-by-step instructions on how to install WordPress on your local computer using Xampp.

Step 1: Choose a Domain name

The first and foremost is getting the domain name. Select a Domain Name that reflects your brand or niche. For example “www.testdomain.com”. This domain name will help you store and display your websites on the Web. You can get your domain name from any domain name registrar like Godaddy.

Step 2: Select a Hosting Provider

Choose the hosting provider that meets your website’s needs in terms of performance, security, and scalability. 

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WP Ultimate CSV Importer Pro

Get Ultimate CSV/XML Importer to import data on WordPress faster, quicker and safer.

Step 3: Install WordPress
a) Download WordPress

Download WordPress from the WordPress.org

how to use wordpress download wordpress

b) Copy the WordPress folder to Xampp
Install WordPress using Xampp or Wamp.  Most hosting providers offer one-click installation of WordPress, making the setup process quick and hassle-free.

To know more about how to install Xampp and Wamp refer here. Once downloaded Unzip the WordPress folder on your downloads.

Now Copy or move the Unzipped WordPress folder and paste it on the Xampp->htdocs.

how to use wordpress copy the folder in htdocs

c)Create a new database.

The database is where your website content is stored.  Before installing WordPress, it is important to create a database for your new site. 

To create your database start or enable your Apache and MySQL on Xampp’s control panel.

How to use WordPress Run Xampp control panel

Open your browser and enter the URL http://localhost/phpmyadmin/ 

On the PhpMyAdmin page, click on Databases
Now select Create Database. Provide the database name and click on Create.

how to use wordpress create database

d)Installation Wizard

  • Once the database is created, enter the URL localhost/wordpress in your browser.
  • Here the term wordpress is the file name of the wordpress that we have inserted in the htdocs folder of Xampp.
  • If your file name is other than wordpress for example wordpress 6.4.3 then enter the URL as localhost/wordpress 6.4.3 on your browser. (Generally, the WordPress file was downloaded with the name wordpress. You can keep the name as such or you can change it at your convenience. I have changed the wordpress file name in the htdocs as wordpress-6.4.3)
  • This will lead you to the WordPress Installation Wizard.
  • First, choose your preferred languages for your website and click on continue.
How to use WordPress Select language
  • Ensure that you are sure about your database name, hostname, username, and password. Now click on Let’s Go
How to use WordPress Ensure database details
  • Provide the Username, password, and database name.
  • As we install WordPress using Xampp, Enter the username as root and leave the password field empty by default.
  • Provide the database name that you create for wordpress.
  • Enter the table prefix as per your need. By default, it is entered as wp_
How to use WordPress Provide database name username and host name
  • Once done click on Submit-> Run Installation
How to use WordPress Run installation
  • Now your WordPress has been successfully installed.
  • Create a Username and a Password to log in to your website.
  • Also, provide the email address, and Enable/disable the checkbox if you want/don’t want to index your website in Google
How to use WordPress Provide Login credentials

Step 4:Customize Your Site

Once WordPress is installed, access your wordpress by entering the URL localhost/wordpress/wp-admin on your browser

It will lead you to the WordPress backend where you can start customizing your site by choosing a theme, adding content, and installing plugins.

Choosing the Right Hosting and Domain for WordPress

When selecting a hosting provider for your WordPress site, consider factors such as uptime reliability, server speed, security features, scalability options, and customer support. Similarly, choose a domain name that is memorable, relevant to your niche, and easy to spell.

Tips and Tricks for Beginners

  1. Familiarize Yourself with the Dashboard: Spend some time exploring the WordPress dashboard to get acquainted with its various features and functionalities.

Access your new website by navigating to www.newdomainname.com/wp-admin on your browser.

Replace newdomainname in the URL with your domain name

Your website’s wordpress dashboard will be displayed. Let’s see the general terms in the dashboard one by one.

How to use WordPress WordPress Dashboard

Posts: Here we can add our blog post content.

Media: It includes images, videos of your posts, pages, etc., Usually we used to import images along with the blog or product page as blog images, product logo, etc.

Pages: This is where we design our own product pages or some other standalone page such as the Contact Us page, About Us page, home page, etc.,

Comments: In this section, we will customize the blog comments

Appearance: Here customize the appearance of your website such as style, font, color, etc.,

Plugins: Here we can enhance the functionality of your website with various free and premium plugins such as Woocommerce, ACF, JetEngine, WP CSV importer, etc.,

Users: Here you can create your users such as authors of your posts, writers, admin, etc.,

Tools: With this, you can easily import and export your post, and page from/to other sites using CSV/XML files

Settings: It is the General WordPress settings to set up your Website. Once you create a website you need to change some general settings explained below to enhance your site. 

a. Edit the Site title and tagline, Timezone, and Favicon: 

Navigate to Settings-> General. Provide the desired title and tagline of your website to display. Ensure the timezone is exactly as your local time zone. Edit the Favicon of your website with your logo or something you want to display near the title on every search console(browser tabs).

How to use WordPress edit tagline and timezone

b. Change the domain name from Http to Https: Here S near the term HTTP is for security. Many hosting providers will automatically update the website with a security version. But in some cases, we need to manually add SSL certification which guarantees an encrypted, and secure website. 

c. Delete unused themes: On installing WordPress, some default themes are installed. It is important to delete unused and outdated themes. which will cause harm to your website. ( Some outdated themes may cause website hacks by some strangers). To edit themes, navigate to Appearance -> Themes

Select the outdated theme and click on Delete.

how to use wordpress delete unused themes

d. Edit the permalink structure: The permalink structure is the URL structure of your blog post once it is published. 

To edit the permalink structure, navigate to Settings -> Permalink Structure. By default, the published date will be in the Post URL as a permalink structure. It is not good for readability and SEO. So we can edit our permalink structure as /blog/ for all the blogs which enhances the SEO.

How to use WordPress edit permalink structure
  1. Backup Your Site Regularly: Backup your WordPress site regularly to prevent data loss in case of unforeseen events such as server crashes or security breaches.

Customizing Themes and Layouts

WordPress offers a plethora of themes and customization options to help you create a unique and visually appealing website. There is nothing but the template, of how your website will look like. Experiment with different themes, layouts, colors, and fonts to find the perfect combination that reflects your brand identity.

To add a new theme, navigate to Appearance -> Themes -> Add new theme

how to use wordpress add new theme

To customize your theme, navigate to Appearance -> Editor or You can click on the customize icon corresponding to the theme you want to customize.

How to use WordPress Edit the theme

From here, you can easily edit the theme using the blocks, headers, and content as per your requirements.

How to use WordPress theme customization

Some themes have so much jargon or bloat which will slow down your website’s speed. So you can customize your theme with SEO and Mobile friendly. The customized themes will drive more traffic to your websites. 

For more customized and advanced themes with drag and drop, you can use tools like Elementor, Gutenberg, etc.,

Managing Plugins and Widgets

Plugins and widgets extend the functionality of your WordPress site, allowing you to add features such as social media integration, contact forms, image galleries, and more. However, be selective when installing plugins to avoid cluttering your site and compromising performance.

To install a new plugin in WordPress, navigate to Plugins -> Add New Plugin

Now search for your desired plugin in the search plugins widget.

On the appropriate Plugins Widget, click on Install Now

how to use wordpress add new plugin

Once installed, activate the plugin by clicking on Activate.

Most Useful Plugins to be installed:

Plugin for E-commerce Website:


This is an essential plugin for all businesses to manage their website in WordPress. You can easily manage products, orders, coupons, and transactions flawlessly with this WooCommerce Plugin.

Plugin for Custom posts:

Other than default posts and pages of WordPress, some business needs a post with additional attributes, functionality, and taxonomies. To create custom posts there are several plugins available. Some of the useful plugins are 

  • Advanced Custom Fields (ACF)
  • MetaBox
  • JetEngine

Plugins for Multi-lingual websites:

Some plugins help create and translate your website content in your preferred languages. That is many businesses will have worldwide customers in different languages. 

With these multi-lingual plugins below, it is easy to translate your website into any language to appear greatly for your target audiences.

  • WPML
  • Polylang

Plugins for Text Editor:

Some beautiful text editors will help you easily create, draft, and publish your posts, pages, custom posts, etc., You can also add featured images as your blog image, add metadata, and Alt-text of your images to improve the SEO. 

  • Elementor
  • Guttenberg

Plugin for Site Migration

CSV importer plays a vital role in migrating your content from one site to another. With this plugin, you can import and export any content such as posts, pages, custom posts, Woocommerce products, etc., 

Some Useful plugins are,

WP CSV Importer Pro – It supports both import/Export of all content types with CSV, XML, and XLS Text files. Supports ACF, Metabox, JetEngine. WPML, and Polylang

WP CSV Exporter- Export all the content types in XML/ CSV/Text/XLS  format

Assessing WordPress for Beginners

Is WordPress Good for Beginners?

Yes, WordPress is beginner-friendly, thanks to its intuitive interface, extensive documentation, and vibrant community support. With a bit of time and practice, even novices can master the basics of WordPress and create professional-looking websites.

Comparing WordPress with Other Platforms

While WordPress is the most popular CMS, other platforms such as Wix, Squarespace, Drupal, and Joomla cater to different needs and preferences. However, WordPress stands out for its flexibility, scalability, and vast ecosystem of themes and plugins.

Wix: It is a website builder with a drag-and-drop feature. Like WordPress, it doesn’t have full control over your content. Also, its themes and widgets are not as perfect as those of WordPress

Squarespace: It is a SAAS model platform that uses monthly basis payments for an effective content Management system. Though it doesn’t require any technical knowledge, it has fewer resources and plugins when compared to WordPress. 

Drupal: It is a CMS platform that needs a basic technical knowledge of HTML or PHP to create a website or blog. Since it is faster than WordPress, it isn’t suited for beginners without coding knowledge.

Joomla: It is one of the most popular CMS software with SEO-friendly and mobile-friendly features. However, it is very complex for beginners to create content when compared to WordPress.Also, its available themes are not in all the directories.

Addressing Common Concerns and Misconceptions

Some common concerns about WordPress include security vulnerabilities, performance issues, and complexity for non-technical users. However, with proper security measures, performance optimization techniques, and user-friendly interfaces, these concerns can be mitigated.

Cost and Accessibility of WordPress

Can I Use WordPress for Free?

Yes, WordPress is open-source software, which means you can download, install, and use it for free. However, you may incur costs for domain registration, hosting, premium themes, plugins, and other optional services.

Understanding the Pricing Structure of WordPress

While the WordPress software itself is free, you may need to invest in additional services such as hosting, domain registration, premium themes, and plugins. The cost varies depending on your specific requirements and budget.

Evaluating the Cost-Effectiveness of WordPress:

Despite potential costs, WordPress offers excellent value for money due to its versatility, scalability, and extensive feature set. Whether you’re a small business owner on a tight budget or a large enterprise with complex requirements, WordPress provides solutions that suit your needs.

Utilizing WordPress to Its Fullest Potential

What Is the Best Use of WordPress?

WordPress can be used for a variety of purposes, including blogging, e-commerce, portfolio websites, online forums, membership sites, and more. Its flexibility and scalability make it suitable for virtually any type of website or online project.

Leveraging WordPress for Various Purposes

  1. Blogging: WordPress’s origins lie in blogging, and it remains one of the best platforms for bloggers due to its user-friendly interface, customizable themes, and powerful blogging features.
  2. E-commerce: With plugins like WooCommerce, WordPress can be transformed into a fully functional e-commerce platform, allowing you to sell products and services online effortlessly.
  3. Portfolio Websites: WordPress is ideal for creating portfolio websites to showcase your work, whether you’re a photographer, designer, artist, or freelancer.
  4. Online Communities: With plugins like BuddyPress and bbPress, you can create online communities and discussion forums within your WordPress site, fostering engagement and interaction among your audience.

Showcase of Successful WordPress Websites:

Numerous well-known brands and organizations use WordPress to power their websites, including The New Yorker, BBC America, Sony Music, and The Walt Disney Company. These examples demonstrate the scalability and reliability of WordPress for large-scale, high-traffic websites.

Exploring WordPress vs. Other Platforms

Comparing WordPress with Other Content Management Systems

WordPress competes with other CMS platforms such as Drupal and Joomla, each with its strengths and weaknesses. However, WordPress’s user-friendly interface, extensive customization options, and vast plugin ecosystem give it a competitive edge over its counterparts.

Addressing the Pros and Cons of Blogger vs. WordPress

While Blogger (owned by Google) is a popular choice for beginners due to its simplicity and integration with other Google services, WordPress offers more flexibility, scalability, and customization options. Additionally, WordPress provides better control over your content and branding compared to Blogger.

Final Thoughts on WordPress

Summarizing the Significance of WordPress

WordPress has revolutionized the way people create and manage websites, democratizing access to online publishing and empowering individuals and businesses to establish their presence on the web. Its user-friendly interface, extensive customization options, and robust ecosystem make it the preferred choice for millions of users worldwide.

Who Can Use WordPress and Why It’s Suitable for Diverse Users

Whether you’re a blogger, a small business owner, a freelancer, an artist, or a large enterprise, WordPress offers solutions tailored to your specific needs and goals. Its versatility, scalability, and accessibility make it suitable for users across industries and skill levels.

Debunking Myths and Clarifying Doubts about WordPress

Despite its widespread popularity, WordPress is not without its myths and misconceptions. By addressing common concerns such as security vulnerabilities, performance issues, and complexity for beginners, we can dispel misconceptions and highlight the benefits of using WordPress as a powerful and reliable CMS.


In conclusion, WordPress continues to dominate the CMS market with its user-friendly interface, extensive customization options, and a robust ecosystem of themes and plugins. Whether you’re a novice or an experienced developer, WordPress offers the complete tools and resources you need to create stunning websites and achieve your online goals. By understanding its features, exploring its potential, and leveraging its capabilities, you can harness the power of WordPress to build and grow your online presence effectively.

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WP Ultimate CSV Importer Pro

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